About the site.
This is an effort for educators, by educators.
Search the resource library. Our experts have curated a list of credible and actionable resources paired with examples from the field of schools and teachers adapting ways of meeting student needs. Use the search function to find a resource or example quickly. If we’re missing something you need, let us know - we’ll use our alliance to find it or create it!
Join the member community. Create a login and post discussion questions, participate in the discussion, share a bright spot, or write a blog post.
Contribute to a Forum. Forums are an area of the site where you can connect with your peers to discuss successes and challenges. Our national experts will also join the conversation.
Submit a resource. We know how much ingenuity is out there. Submit a resource and our national network of experts will review it for posting.
Attend a webinar. Every week we will have three webinars or office hours for you to ask experts direct questions and get the information you need.